All The Best People by Sonja Yoerg


Release Date: May 2, 2017

Carole LaPorte is a mother of three children and helps her husband run their automotive repair business in Vermont. She is beginning to hear voices in her head and at times they seems to originate from the television.  She starts having trouble focusing on simple chores and it affects her ability to work.  She does her best to hide these symptoms from her family because of issues from her childhood. Her mother, Solange, was diagnosed with mental illness and was committed to an institution by her father.

This novel combines three stories which are told from various points of view. We learn more about Solange and Carole and soon get introduced to Alison who is Carole’s youngest child. Alison is watching her world fall apart as her mother becomes unreliable and withdrawn.  With a mother battling mental issues, Alison experiences many of the same concerns as Carole. Solange’s life is examined in more detail and LaPorte family issues are revealed.  

This is a heartfelt book about the stigma that mental illness carries and how treatments have changed throughout the years. Sometimes the best prescription is the love and support of your family. I hope to read more novels by Sonja Yoerg.  


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